An allegation of corruption should be based on reasonable suspicion. It is an offence to make a malicious or reckless report or to provide false or misleading information. Your allegation can be about past matters, something that is occurring, or is likely to occur.

All reports are treated confidentially. However, if the matter results in an investigation, details about the person making a report and its information may be forwarded to an applicable public sector authority.

Anonymous reports can be made, however they are often difficult to investigate and assess. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can request so when making your report. If you are concerned about being identified, please contact the Corruption and Crime Commission before submitting your report.

When making a report please provide details of the people involved, the conduct and why you suspect it may be corruption or serious misconduct. Include as much information as possible such as dates, times, location and witnesses. You can attach documents and other materials in support of your allegation.

You can report corruption in a number of ways. The Commission preference is to receive online notifications as it ensures information is captured in your words and can be processed quicker.

How to report suspected corruption to the CCC

Online Report serious misconduct here

1800 803 186

If you wish to call the Commission to make an allegation, please leave a voicemail detailing the nature of your call and provide contact details. 


Download report serious misconduct pdf form

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Northbridge Post Shop WA 6865