
Many public sector agencies in Western Australia grant licences as official permission for people to do, use, or own something - such as drivers licences, recreational skippers tickets, liquor licence applications, and building permits.

Public sector agencies are also responsible for enforcing regulations to keep Government informed on certain types of compliance activities across the State, and to set conditions and limitations in industries.

Licenses are issued by agencies to allow an activity that would otherwise be forbidden and often require paying a fee or proving a capability or competency. The combination of a person paying fees and performing a skills based competency test, is a significant corruption and serious misconduct risk for public sector agencies. 

The consequences of corruption and serious misconduct within public sector agencies entrusted with licencing and regulation activities range from risk to public safety, loss of public trust, and organised crime infiltration.

Corruption in licensing and regulation commonly presents when one party favours a licencee over legislation, and as blackmail or bribery to receive a licence. Just like this example, where Fleur was indecently propositioned by a licencing assessor.

Report corruption now
The CCC relies on good people doing the right thing.

If you are aware of wrongdoing in the WA public sector, such as a public servant blackmailing or offering and accepting bribes in the licencing and regulation sector, do the right thing and report it to the CCC.

All information provided is treated confidentially and can be made anonymously.

Anti-corruption materials
The following communication materials have been developed to assist WA public officers and members of the community to identify and report corrupt behaviour to the CCC. You are welcome to download, promote, and share this campaign within your organisation and personal networks.

Poster (hard copy and digital screens) - Fleur
Social media and web banner - Fleur