Did you know that the Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC) has oversight of police misconduct?

The WA Police Force accounted for 53 per cent of allegations received by the CCC in the 2016/2017 financial year, with 2982 allegations.  A significant number of those allegations related to police officers who were involved in conduct that was considered excessive use-of-force.

Excessive use-of-force by the WA Police Force has large ramifications in Western Australia and can lead to:

  • • additional strain on the State's resources if a victim is sent to hospital, or decides to take legal action, or requires counselling due to the incident;
  • • further victimisation of people who have previously had a bad experience with police (i.e. permanent physical or mental injuries);
  • • reputational damage of the WA Police Force;
  • • loss of confidence from the community; and
  • • in extreme cases, a loss of life.

In addition to excessive use-of-force by police officers, the CCC has oversight of a range of other types of police misconduct in Western Australia, including:

  • • neglect of duty;
  • • breach of code of conduct and procedures; and
  • • unlawful access to computer systems and information.

Report police misconduct now
The CCC relies on good people doing the right thing.

If you have experienced, or are aware of alleged police misconduct just like this example where Darren was the subject of excessive use-of-force by the WA police, do the right thing and report it to the CCC.

All information provided is treated confidentially and can be made anonymously.

Anti-corruption materials
The following communication materials have been developed to assist WA public officers and members of the community to identify and report corrupt behaviour to the CCC. You are welcome to download, promote, and share this campaign within your organisation and personal networks.

Poster (hard copy and digital screens) - Darren
Social media and web banner - Darren