Procuring services from the private sector is a common practice throughout the public sector. Procurement activities support the WA Government in delivering a range of goods and services that meet the needs of the community, whilst also proving value-for-money and efficiencies for government.
Public sector agencies typically enter into contractual agreements with private sector companies that provide specialised expertise, often when they cannot be performed 'in-house'.
The are many benefits for public sector agencies when they enter into contractual agreements with the private sector, however the practice also means they are susceptible to fraudulent and corrupt behaviour.
As highlighted in this example, where Daphne suspects her manager is receiving gifts and benefits for approving contracts.
Corruption and fraud in public sector procurement is a major risk area, and the consequences can result in loss of public funds through misallocation and higher expenses than necessary.
Corruption in procurement involving public sector officers can occur in a number of ways, including:
- • Collusion - where a public officer colludes with an external supplier to deceive the agency;
- • Improper gifts and benefits - where bribes are offered or received in return for awarding contracts;
- • Improper use of information - where a public officer releases confidential information about price or specifications to suppliers to benefit a tender application;
- • Fraud - in bid evaluations, invoices and contract obligations; and
- • Conflict-of-interest - not declaring a conflict-of-interest can result in favouritism in tender selection or recruitment appointments.
Report corruption now
The CCC relies on good people doing the right thing.
If you suspect that you have seen corrupt procurement practices take place within the WA public sector, do the right thing and report it to the CCC.
All information provided is treated confidentially and can be made anonymously.
Anti-corruption materials
The following communication materials have been developed to assist WA public officers and members of the community to identify and report corrupt behaviour to the CCC. You are welcome to download, promote, and share this campaign within your organisation and personal networks.
Poster (hard copy and digital screens) - Daphne
Social media and web banner - Daphne