
The Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC) frequently receives allegations about suspected corrupt recruitment practices in the WA public sector.

More often than not, allegations about inadequate recruitment practices are classified as minor misconduct, and these matters are handled by the Public Sector Commission.

However, when a public servant takes advantage of their role to benefit themselves or cause detriment to another person, their actions could be classified as corruption, which can lead to a CCC investigation.

There is generally a mutual benefit between both parties when corrupt recruitment practices occur. Just like in this example, where a senior executive has abused their power and knowingly manipulated recruitment processes, so they could offer jobs that benefited them and their friends.

Corrupt recruitment processes damage the integrity of the WA public sector, particularly the reputation, culture, and workforce attraction of the agencies involved. Public sector agencies should have transparent recruitment policies and robust governance systems to reduce the likelihood of corrupt recruitment behaviour taking place.

Report corruption now
The CCC relies on good people doing the right thing.

If you are aware of wrongdoing in the WA public sector, do the right thing and report it to the CCC.

All information provided is treated confidentially and can be made anonymously.

Anti-corruption materials
The following communication materials have been developed to assist WA public officers and members of the community to identify and report corrupt behaviour to the CCC. You are welcome to download, promote, and share this campaign within your organisation and personal networks.

Poster (hard copy and digital screens) - Chantelle
Social media and web banner - Chantelle