The Shire of Esperance advertised tender submissions for the Esperance Tanker Jetty demolition contract in the West Australian Newspaper on 28 May 2016, and the Esperance Express newspaper on 1 June 2016.


After receiving an allegation about the Esperance Tanker Jetty procurement process, the CCC examined tender submissions, financial records, and used other investigative techniques to assess the claim.


The CCC investigation has not identified any evidence to support an allegation that public officers at the Shire of Esperance engaged in serious misconduct.


Based on the evidence available, no further investigative action will be undertaken by the CCC.


The CCC acknowledges that it can be difficult to be certain if corruption or serious misconduct is taking place. This should not be a deterrent when making an allegation.


In this instance, the person making the allegation had a reasonable basis to suspect corrupt behaviour may be occurring. On investigation the Commission concluded that based on the evidence available, the allegation did not support an opinion of serious misconduct.


Before making an allegation to the CCC, check if you have the below information if possible:

  • • Who may be involved or who is aware of the matter.
  • • Details of the conduct - a description, dates, times and location.
  • • The approximate value of goods or amounts of money that may be involved.
  • • Any harm, risk, danger or injury to any person related to the conduct.
  • • Any evidence that supports your allegation, including details of witnesses, or any documents, emails or other materials.


The Corruption and Crime Commission encourages anyone who has reasonable suspicion or evidence of wrongdoing by a WA public officer to notify the CCC by calling 1800 809 000 or completing a confidential online form.