The CCC's latest report identifies significant serious misconduct and corruption risks relating to $7.5 million in annual electorate allowances paid to Members of Parliament.
International Anti-Corruption Day is Monday 9 December 2019
To mark 2019 International Anti-Corruption Day, the CCC have prepared some clues on how to detect corruption in the WA public sector.
Overview of serious misconduct in the WA public sector
View the CCC's latest publication on the state of serious misconduct in the WA public sector for July - September 2019.
CCC recommendations give rise to important Aboriginal cultural improvements in the WA Police Force
Two reports tabled in Parliament today detail improvements to Aboriginal cultural awareness in the WA Police Force, and licensing at the Department of Transport.
An active year for the Commission, community and public sector agencies
The Corruption and Crime Commission 2018-19 Annual Report has been tabled in State Parliament today. Find a copy of the report here.
Report reveals senior Health employee claimed more than half a million dollars in overtime payments to which she was not entitled
The Corruption and Crime Commission (the Commission) has today tabled in State Parliament a report that forms two opinions of serious misconduct relating to unsubstantiated overtime claims, and una
CCC takes its investigation into parliamentary electoral allowances public
Read the Opening Address and transcript from the CCC's public examination into allegations of serious misconduct and corruption in relation to the use of parliamentary electoral allowances.
Overview of serious misconduct in the WA public sector
View the CCC's latest publication on the state of serious misconduct in the WA public sector for April - June 2019.
Commission investigation reveals fake engagement letters to authorise big payments
An investigation has revealed a former senior public servant falsified records, defied Cabinet decisions and recklessly failed to comply with proper procedure resulting in significant unauthorised expenditure of public funds.
Entanglements led to corruption
The Commission today tabled a report which underlines the need for public servants to ensure personal matters do not compromise their commitment to the best interests of the Western Australian community.