International Anti-Corruption Day - 9 December 2020
Download anti-corruption videos and posters for your Western Australian public authority or share them with your personal networks.
Commission exposes further abuse of electorate allowances and misconduct risks
The CCC has tabled its second report into the misuse of Parliamentary electorate allowances and related misconduct risks in State Parliament today.
Corruption and Crime Commission resolve significant unexplained wealth cases
Disrupting organised crime is one of the Commission’s primary objectives and freezing assets as part of unexplained wealth investigations is one mechanism to achieve this objective.
The Commission's work continues through a challenging year
The Corruption and Crime Commission's Annual Report 2019-20 was tabled in State Parliament on 24 September 2020.
Corruption investigation reveals rorts and protects the public safety of Western Australians
The report has lessons for all agencies about the serious risks associated with minimal supervision of employees, particularly in regional locations.
Commission reviews WA Health reforms in handling dangerous drugs
WA Health has made substantial progress in responding to significant misconduct risks surrounding the management of controlled drugs in public hospitals
Overview of serious misconduct in the WA public sector
View the CCC's latest publication on the state of serious misconduct in the WA public sector for April - June 2020.